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Disney’s Role in Character Assassination Attack of Gangstalking Victim
Introduction Introduction: In an unprecedented complaint lodged with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), a scathing revelation unfolds as The Walt Disney Company (DIS) stands accused of perpetuating character assassination attacks against innocent individuals subjected to gangstalking. This shocking complaint specifically targets ABC television, highlighting their prominent role in glamorizing and promoting these vile attacks, even…
The Most Popular Books of the Last Decade Exploited a Nonconsenting Participant for Over $900 Billion Economic Impact and Election Rape Politics
The most popular books of the 21st century have had a huge economic impact. They have sold millions of copies, been adapted into blockbuster movies, and spawned countless imitators. But these books have also had a dark side. They have been used to exploit and embarrass real people. I am one of those people.. The…