Category: Uncategorized

  • ‘It’s going to hit the poorest people’: Zika outbreak feared on the Texas borde

      Tracking Zika is complicated further by the large volume of cross-border traffic and significant numbers of undocumented immigrants, especially since the Donald Trump’s harsh deportation efforts have caused many people to fear any interaction with authorities. Comment from discussion ‘It’s going to hit the poorest people’: Zika outbreak feared on the Texas border. [–]braaibros…

  • Poll: 96% of Trump Supporters Would Vote for Him Again, Win Popular Vote

    “Trump might win a second version of the 2016 election because while 96% of Trump supporters would vote for him again, only 85% of Hillary Clinton voters say they would do so, “producing a 40-43 percent Clinton-Trump result in this hypothetical re-do among self-reported 2016 voters,” the poll says. Other former Clinton voters would support…

  • Teenager attacked at group home, media acts confused

        view the rest of the comments → [–] pyres 16 points (+16|-0) 1.5 hours ago  CPS and the home better have really, really good insurance. And a charge of endangering the welfare of a child had better be added if it hasn’t. The real winner of this will be the kid’s lawyers. permalink

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  • Archon Invasion Part 1 – The Origin of the Nephilim (FULL)

    After watching this video and the rest of the videos in the series, everything about Christianity and Judaism seems logical. I used to go catholic school for 8 years. So now all the battles in the old testament have a reason behind them. Then you have to consider that the bible was written by people…

  • Wish I was the president so I could push the shiny red button

    But then I realized that its probably in a suit case attached to a secret service agent. You need a 20 digit code to get the brief case open. Then you need to program where all the missiles go. By that time you’ll probably get shot.

  • The Military oppresses females and minorities.

    Right now the military being used by white males to oppress people. Its not being used make america a stronger nation. Its not being used to spread wealth, bring freedom to other nations or boost the economy. Instead you hear too many incidents of hazing, sexual harassment and racism. This make you feel less of…

  • We aren’t in the cold war any more the Military needs to change!

    The military right now is ridiculous. They want to tell you what to do and they want to keep you stupid and ignorant. We aren’t at war. This type of behavior in the military is great when we have a specific opponent but it doesn’t back freedom and democracy. Its pretty simple. In order to…

  • Leftists become incandescent when reminded of the socialist roots of Nazism – Telegraph Blogs

    Leftists become incandescent when reminded of the socialist roots of Nazism – Telegraph Blogs Due to the destruction of the middle class you have to watch out for extremes on both sides of political views. There is nothing slow down an extremist any more more because there aren’t very many checks and balances in government.…

  • EXCLUSIVE: Texas Fusion Center Secrets Revealed | The Liberty Beat

    EXCLUSIVE: Texas Fusion Center Secrets Revealed | The Liberty Beat This lack of oversight, or arguably free reign, led to the illegal collection of data, or suspicious activity reporting (SAR), and profiling of groups such as Ron Paul supporters, Libertarian parties and Constitutionalists. Theese fusion centers are illegally spying on american citizens. This could be use…
